The Digital Transformation Guide from the American Press Institute
Emily Ristow, American Press Institute,
Illustration by Sylvia Asuncion-Crabb
Proven strategies for local media, as tested by news organizations in the Table Stakes Local News Transformation ProgramThis guide features strategies tested and proven by local news organizations that participated in the Table Stakes Local News Transformation Program along the themes of product thinking, revenue, engaged journalism, collaboration and managing change.
These are strategies the American Press Institute believes are key for digital transformation and sustaining and growing local news.
Part of the Table Stakes program’s ethos has been an openness to sharing what worked and what didn’t — so that others who don’t have the privilege to participate in an intensive, yearlong digital transformation program can also benefit from its lessons. Since 2017, the American Press Institute has published case studies from Table Stakes organizations on, which will continue as a resource for practical information that news organizations can use to improve their businesses.
This guide is created in that spirit, with the added goal of making these approaches immediately applicable to you. It curates strategies that news leaders can truly own and contextualizes them within the industry, provides bite-sized versions of case studies, and features worksheets and checklists that allow you to apply the strategies in your organization today.