Partnerships & collaboration: A primer
It’s an unfortunate and unavoidable truth of modern news: Local journalism outlets are constantly stretching their limited resources.
Mutual trust and clear communication form the foundation of any successful news partnership.
What gaps do you have in partnership and collaboration? Use these tools to find out.
In order to overcome them, first understand the barriers to succeeding at partnership and collaboration.
This Tables Stake requires you to probe everything you currently do or might do by asking, “Must we do this ourselves? Or, in how many ways might it be wiser to have others do this for us or partner to do this together?”
This guide shares lessons from four months of local news experiments.
Here’s an idea to steal and adapt: When covering devastating news events, prioritize collaboration, explore new ways to tell stories and plan coverage through the recovery.
Proven strategies for local media, as tested by news organizations in the Table Stakes Local News Transformation Program
Here’s an idea to steal and adapt: Discover how a group of nonprofit, public media organizations in Kansas City joined forces to sustain local journalism.
Even if your live event strategy isn’t a revenue play, sponsors are crucial to covering costs and supporting long-term sustainability.
Here’s an idea to steal and adapt: The Times Union partnered with a nearby university to build a data-rich, low-cost weather and climate product.
Here are 10 ideas to steal and adapt: From developing audience personas to building trust, these original case studies are the most-viewed in 2023 on BetterNews.org.
By taking this approach for local elections, the news organization created a significant, authentic public service experience around local politics.
Here’s an idea to steal and adapt: Through partnerships with groups outside of mainstream media, The Sacramento Bee attracted new readers, gained access to a diverse talent pool of journalists and elevated the voice of under-resourced communities in the area.