Leveraging partnerships and sponsorships for journalism events
Even if your live event strategy isn’t a revenue play, sponsors are crucial to covering costs and supporting long-term sustainability.
Even if your live event strategy isn’t a revenue play, sponsors are crucial to covering costs and supporting long-term sustainability.
This workbook brings together the knowledge of more than 20 experts and local news organizations who excel in the live events space.
Here’s an idea to steal and adapt: With the possibility of four or five generations working side by side, the workplace may offer the best chance for decreasing generational tension and increasing cross-generational collaboration.
Here are 5 ideas to steal and adapt: Use these tools of performance-driven change to work better together.
Here’s an idea to steal and adapt: Meet your target audiences in the online spaces where they’re already gathering.
The guide is designed to help local newspapers build engaged digital audiences, create robust new revenue streams, and reimagine the role of print — all while continuing to produce essential journalism that serves their communities.
Here’s an idea to steal and adapt: Reset your team’s approach to giving feedback on shared work, news coverage and projects.
Here’s an idea to steal and adapt: Wildcaster LIVE aims to connect fans with trusted reporters.
This handy, one-stop reference helps staff get organized and stay in sync for live events.